


Date ArticleType
2/13/2019 Community

CTMH Doctors Hospital – Welcomes New Innovative General Physician

Dr. Ahmed RiskCTMH Doctors Hospital would like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest family member Dr. Ahmad Risk. Dr. Risk is a British eclectic international medical practitioner. He practiced medicine in the UK, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia. He has a background in family medicine, obstetrics & gynaecology, emergency medicine, military medicine, and occupational health. He is particularly interested in women’s health, urgent care, food & environmental allergies, and healthy living. Ahmad’s portfolio encompasses healthcare IT, health system improvement, as well as research & publishing. He provided consultancy services to public and private organisations, including the English and Scottish NHS; WHO; the European Commission; and the ministries of Health of Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan and Egypt.

He is a published author in peer-reviewed journals, including BMJ, JAMA, and JMIR. Dr. Risk has literally helped the medical industry from the ground up on a continental scale. From project managing the construction, medical equipment, and the acquiring of staff to the Prospekt Medical Caspian Health Facility in Kazakhstan to creating the E-health care code of ethics and principles of proper health care to the internet. This well-travelled medical savant has blessed the world with improving the overall quality of western standard in medicine. Dr. A. Risk has had the desire to help others since he was young.

This passion for helping people led him directly into beginning his illustrious medical journey. Risk is a natural leader, a strategic thinker with passion for details and unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of those under his care. He developed a polished cross-cultural and cross-intellectual characteristics and profound international outlook. He is driven by compassion, integrity, honesty and accountability; and the love of islands!